Thursday 23 August 2012

Its Don Jazzy Again

The Social Media has become a very potent tool for public awareness in Nigeria today. News spread at the speed of light once it hits Twitter. Next thing you know, a topic is trending in Nigeria. Occasionally, an event in Nigeria trends worldwide, giving you a fair idea of how big Twitter is in Nigeria now. 

Micheal 'Don Jazzy' Ajereh is the celebrity's celebrity. He probably has more followers on Twitter than any other Nigerian at the moment. A few days ago, a campaign was started to raise funds for Barrister Funmi Lawal who was recently diagnosed with a sarcoma. #SaveFunmi was trending on Twitter and BlackBerry. #SaveFunmi gathered stupendous momentum after Don Jazzy contributed a whopping two million naira to the campaign.

Don Jazzy is a talented young man and his talent has paid off immensely, he has come a long way from his days as a boy in Ajegunle. I admire the fact that Don Jazzy has remained in touch with his humble roots. Prior to his colossally classy act of kindness this weekend, he already had a reputation for being humble on Twitter. Many of his followers have benefited from his largesse. He has at different times shared gifts in cash and kind on Twitter. Another thing I admire about his benevolence is his inclination to not making a lot of noise about it. Unlike some folks, who quickly upload their ten million naira MTN cheques on Twitter, Don Jazzy tries to keep his very quiet. 

I believe his attitude and disposition have endeared him to the hearts of many Nigerians. This was brought to the fore during his brouhaha with D'Banj, most folks camped with Don Jazzy in solidarity. Don Jazzy gave out two million naira to a total stranger. He probably only heard of Funmi Lawal a few days before he gave her the money. In the same country where wickedness pervades every inch of the polity and celebrities have assumed the status of demi-gods. We have heard of celebrities who are not as nice as they appear on TV. Some are abrasive, arrogant and suffer from extreme forms of delusions of grandeur. Some on the other hand, remember that, life is but a stage. Some, like Don Jazzy, remember legacies are built by touching human lives and not by buying Ace of Spades in nightclubs.

There are pastors worth 150million dollars in Nigeria. There are politicians worth twice what that pastor is worth. There are businessmen who are wealthy enough to buy one million naira tables at music shows. Some will argue that Don Jazzy's magnanimity is a form of PR stunt. Some will argue that Don Jazzy's wealth came as a result of a corrupt society. Well, for starters, if a PR stunt will save the life of a young brilliant lawyer then PLEASE, by all means! At least we know what Dan Jazzy does. He has endorsements deals and all sort of other lucrative avenues to make money in a money-spinning industry. 

'You cannot do an act of kindness too soon, for you never know soon it will be too late' says Ralph Waldo Emerson. 

This act of kindness by Don Jazzy has beatified him in my eyes. This act of generosity will be engraved in the hearts of many especially Funmi's immediate family and her unborn children. They will know life because of Don Jazzy's humanity. He didn't have to help. Surely, he has a chord of compassion in him that was struck by Funmi's story. I'm sure he'll never read this but I prayed for him when I read of his gesture. I'm sure many other people did. They prayed that God would continue to bestow unending blessings on him and that he will never lack any good thing in health and wealth in his earthly sojourn. Don Jazzy strikes me as a mature, decent, compassionate and an extremely unassuming and humble fellow. How he fell out with D'Banj makes me wonder about Dapo's personality.

I wish to appeal to Don Jazzy to redirect his largesse by way of recharge cards and direct bank crediting of his 'broke' followers on Twitter (Funmi Lawal excluded). The real poor fellows are not on Twitter. The real indigent fellows don't own BlackBerry smartphones and iPads and are more concerned about the next meal than tweeting. The real poor folks are inside Makoko and Kuramo water front. There are a couple of Old People's Homes and Motherless Babies Homes and Hospices in Nigeria. There are poor people lying in LUTH and LASUTH who need urgent medical attention but whose friends are not on Twitter to help broadcast their plights. They don't tweet in those places. They just hope they see the next day and hunger or disease does not literally consume them.

For you to tweet at Don Jazzy to send you money or airtime, you must at least have internet access, an internet-enabled device and time to spare. If you have all three, then you are not a poor person. 

To Funmi Lawal, I wish her the very best. I pray her treatment is successful. I pray she lives to listen to many more Don Jazzy hits. I pray she never has to pass through such an ordeal ever again. 

To Don Jazzy, Heaven will surely not forget. Heaven will not forget you as you touch many more Funmi Lawals. 

To his fellow 'celebrities', this is what you should emulate. Not fights over who performs first at shows or what brand and how many bottles of champagne to pop at the next party. Don Jazzy has a big head but its still one head, not two. 

I know who I'm nominating for 'Man Of The Year'.

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