Thursday 9 August 2012

(In)Security And My People

A few days ago, armed gunmen attacked worshipers at a vigil in Okene, Kogi State. They killed about seventeen people and survivors recounted how the assailants meticulously shot underneath church benches to ensure they maximized casualty figures. This Okene attack is one in a series of many that have now plagued the Nigerian polity. Why and how we have now turned into a full terrorist nation is a question not even I can answer.

A few days after the attack, the Executive Governor of Kogi, Capt Idris Wada paid a condolence visit to the site of the attack and the survivors in the hospitals. Interestingly, Governor Wada turned up clad in full body Armour. Apparently, even the security agencies needed to be 'extra cautious' as the attacks continue to befuddle them.

While I, like most Nigerians, now thoroughly appreciate the fact that certain political lives are worth more than those of 'ordinary' citizens, I however wonder what hope the common man has when our elite start going out in full body Armour. Yes, I agree that there is need to take precautionary measures for our 'VIP', what bugs me is the impression such measures portray. Nigeria is supposedly at peace, well, literally since no war has broken out yet. So why then did Wada come out in a bulletproof vest. Was he anticipating a war? Or was he visiting a war-ravaged community like Darfur? His action certainly does not confer a lot of confidence on the 'ordinary' man. When all our governors begin to move around in full body Armour, we then know we are in a lot of trouble.

I can understand when a statesman visits areas in political or ethnic conflicts like Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and Sudan. Yes, then full body Armour is indicated. We expect such areas to be volatile and pose serious threats to the lives of the visitors hence we expect them to show up 'fully kitted'. Kofi Annan was in Syria recently, I was not surprised to see him in a bulletproof vest. Ban Ki-Moon was also in Sudan sometime ago and understandably came in the vest. All these areas are embroiled in dire conflict. So the question is, is Kogi State in political or religious turmoil? Governor Wada should kindly let us know.

I think we should learn from other countries of the world. It is interesting to note that the jacket President Obama wore during his inauguration was fully bulletproof. Note, I didn't say he was wearing a bulletproof vest, I said the jacket itself was bulletproof. I could not have guessed. The jacket looked totally normal and nonthreatening. Psychologically, the citizens at the inauguration venue and those watching worldwide were reassured that America was secure. Even though we know the government deployed countless security personnel for the occasion, they remained faceless and thus were better suited to tackle any eventualities at the inauguration. We cannot also not forget the armored glass wall, from behind which Obama gave his inaugural speech and had his rites of passage. Most of us did not even know there was a wall in front of him till after the ceremony. Again, psychologically, there's a feeling of safety when the people in power do not overtly show they bre panicking. It would have been strange if Obama had been sworn in wearing a war helmet, a black full body Armour and surrounded by fifty CIA/State Security operatives. Its all about the psyche. 

Kindly do not misconstrue my perspective. I am not saying we should not be weary of both domestic and external threats. I'm saying give the citizenry the impression and confidence that you are on top of the situation. Running around in full body Armour will not invoke any iota of confidence on the citizens that the government is able to protect their lives and property.

But then again, this is Nigeria and I guess its admissible. Governor Wada may have received prior 'intelligence' reports from our able SSS or Nigerian Police that the attackers were still in the neighborhood, thus the need for the body suit. 

Meanwhile, for the 'ordinary' Nigerians who still depend on the government for security, I advice you start saving up for your own body armor gear. They come in a wide range of colours and specifications. You can even customize them and have your name inscribed in front or the back. They come in concealable/occult ones or the Capt Wada type (on top of Agbada). Prices I hear range from $500 to $800 depending on the type and specifications.

Unfortunately however, they are not anti-bomb!

As David sang...'I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where cometh my help. My help comes from....' Psalm 121 v 1

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