Thursday 5 January 2012

Emeka Wogu: A Reflection of GEJ's Administration.

A sagacious French poet, Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux, once said 'Every fool finds a greater one to admire them'. Chief Emeka Ngozichineke Wogu, a federal minister in charge of Labour and Productivity and a member of the Federal Executive Council, has without an iota of doubt proven to the world, that he is indeed the greatest of all fools. 

On the 3rd of January 2012, while reacting to the pockets of protests that greeted the removal of fuel subsidy in the country, Chief Wogu, on national TV said most of the protesters were 'instigated' and most of the protesters did not even know what they were on the roads protesting about. 

It worries me that people like Chief Wogu are at the helm of affairs in a country riddled with intellectuals. Surely he must have had birth asphyxia and the unfortunate sequela of cerebral palsy at his birth. His statement that the masses who thronged the streets to protest the rise in fuel prices did not know the reason they were carrying placards shows that the Council that approved the removal of fuel subsidy is filled with intellectually stunted fellows. I won't even waste effort on the fellow who appointed them and heads this council.

Chief Wogu's defence of his employer and probable mentor's action proves Boileau's thinking correctly, as he has shown he is indeed a greater fool than the powers that appointed him. Initially, i had decided to let him slide after a friend asked if i have nothing to blog about the fellow called Wogu. I initially felt such a cretin as him was not worth my time and effort but again, i thought about the big picture and it frightened me that each time this council sits, all the participants had about the same IQ as Chief Wogu. We are indeed in alot of trouble in this entity called Nigeria.

A common, though not classical, symptom of Cerebral Palsy and Severe Mental Retardation is slurred speech. It is however also a common feature in Acute Alcohol intoxication. I am yet to fully decipher which of these two clinical conditions Wogu suffers from, i will however not be surprised if he is afflicted with some element of both. If you by chance missed the interview, you probably will not fully understand what i mean by him having slurred speech. I do hope he decides to publicly display his wanton and gross stupidity again soon for all who missed the first episode. How can a 46 year old man and a titled Ibo chief say people who now pay 1,400 for 10 liters of petrol to fuel their 'i pass my neighbor' instead of 650, do not know what they are protesting for. That people who now pay twice the fare to reach their places of work when their salaries remain static and severely stunted do not know the reasons for the protests. Mr Wogu definitely needs a Mental State Examination, he truly lacks not just insight, but also common sense.

I however understand his plight, he probably had no shoes too. I understand he schooled in Aba at a very early age in his life. I have had the privilege of visiting Aba a couple of times and the state of the city is truly reflected in Wogu's mind. I strongly believe it is lethal and destructive to have a child grow during the formative years in such a place. He is also, albeit unfortunately, a Barrister having 'graduated' from the Imo State University with LLB and obtained BL from the Nigerian Law School. I have a lot of learned legal friends and acquaintances and none of the several i have met have struck me with such level of mental impoverishment.

Not surprisingly, he was first appointed as a Federal minister in April 2010 by....i'll leave you to guess who was 'smart' enough to appoint such a simpleton. Wogu and his colleagues in the FEC have said they will not shift on the fuel subsidy removal and Nigerians must pay the price for their ineptitude. He even says it is temporary and fuel prices will come down shortly. Is he aware of the Iran situation? Does he know that by the time the EU starts its proposed shut-out on Iranian oil that global oil prices will rise? Is my learned minister also aware that the value of the dollar goes a long way in oil pricing globally. Does he need to be reminded of the naira's waning fortune as compared to the dollar? Chief Wogu is the Nwandiala of Aba, i suggest he visits the shrines in Aba every now and then and throw cowries and shells with red cloth if he feels he is not mentally equipped enough to continue as a minister. I honestly do not want to think of how much he earns as bonuses and allowances and what such amounts could do for a a lot of fledgling entrepreneurs i know at the moment in Lagos. 

Finally, i'll end by quoting Josh Billings who said ''Take all the fools out of this world and they wouldn't be any fun living in it, or profit''. I guess we need people like Wogu, maybe not in government but at the Ozone or Genesis Deluxe Cinemas. Chief Barrister Emeka Wogu, its called a BRAIN...SHUT UP AND USE IT!


  1. Sorry, first paragraph reads.....A sagacious French poet, Nicolas Boileau-Despréaux, once said 'Every fool finds a greater one to admire them'. Chief Emeka Ngozichineke Wogu, a federal minister in charge of Labour and Productivity and a member of the Federal Executive Council, has without an iota of doubt proven to the world, that he is indeed the greatest of all fools.


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