Tuesday 26 April 2016

Nigeria's Health; Nigeria's Wealth

Just as I was gathering my final thoughts about what to write tonight, I inadvertently stumbled on some really jolting news. I read a few minutes ago that a friend and colleague slumped and died yesterday. Just a day before his birthday. A young man in his mid-thirties with a young family and his entire life seemingly ahead of him. This, in the same week I read of the demise of another colleague who I undertook my national service with a few years ago. I have only fond memories of these two learned colleagues, especially because of their jovial disposition to many things. Now, all I remember are their smile-lit faces.

It is quite likely that many people can relate to this phenomenon. You probably knew, directly or remotely, a seemingly healthy young person who dropped and died suddenly. The World Health Organisation describes this as Sudden Death (SD) – where an unexpected change in a person’s hitherto stable clinical condition results in death. Nigeria’s demographics, where there is a rapidly growing youthful population, presents ready fodder for this rampaging phenomenon. More and more young people, like my two colleagues, will leave home every morning totally oblivious of the fact that they would not walk through that door ever again. That is what Sudden Death does. It robs people of final goodbyes and chances to make amends or set records straight. Robbery, day light and even at night during sleep.

Often, ailments that affect the heart are the root causes of Sudden Death. So significant is their contribution to the total number of deaths that a second phenomenon, termed Sudden Cardiac Death, was coined. Globally, heart-related diseases are the biggest sudden killers but their impact is particularly pronounced in emerging economies like Nigeria, where they account for 8 in every 10 deaths recorded world-wide. The spectrum of these illnesses comprises of hypertension, myocardial infarction (heart attack), cerebrovascular disease (stroke) and diabetes.

Hypertension infamously earned the title ‘Silent Killer’ and it has stayed true to this appellation. It is a totally symptomless pathology that quietly and steadily wrecks havoc on its sufferer till death ensues. And indeed, more than half of people afflicted with hypertension do not know. Diagnosis is almost always incidental. Like the popular saying among Nigerian law enforcement agents, ignorance is not an excuse and it is this ignorance that remains the strongest weapon of the disease. It wields so much power and potency simply because many people do not know, or are not bothered to check. When properly managed, hypertension can be non-fatal but a good first step is knowing.

It is now common knowledge that one of the key and most critical attributes of successful people, both in business and otherwise, is the value they place on their health. You see, you have to be primarily healthy to function in whatever capacity. Be it closing a multi-billion deal or executing a well-planned business strategy. A sound mind and a healthy body are basic requirements regardless of your ‘hussle’. No wonder, the World Health Organisation defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease.

It therefore behoves every upwardly mobile, ambitious and driven young person, male or female, to pay utmost attention to health matters. A good starting point is knowing your numbers. The human body is like an automobile engine. Before a major breakdown, it is likely that subtle signs of impending doom had been missed or ignored. This is where numbers are critical and it is imperative that you keep abreast with them to ensure that eventualities like Sudden Death are nipped in the bud. What are these numbers you may wonder?

ü  Blood Pressure – There are so many DIY battery-powered machines available over the counter these days that it bordering on irresponsible for one to be totally in the dark about one’s blood pressure. They are easy to operate, painless, fast and near accurate monitors that are also largely affordable. They quickly give you an idea of the resistance your heart is working against to pump blood around your body. Owning one of such digital BP monitors becomes even more important if an individual has a family history of hypertension as it is common knowledge that it is largely a hereditary disease. The best time to check would probably be in the morning before any physical exertion in a seated position, with the cuff of the monitor wrapped around the upper left arm and the machine itself at the level of the heart. A normal reading is 120/80mmHg.

ü  Body Mass Index – This is a critical number given the significant role played by obesity in the development of the aforementioned causes of sudden death. There is a saying in medical circles, that there are two phenomena that have absolutely no benefits to the human body – these are obesity and cigarette smoking. The BMI gives a quick idea of one’s physical state by correlating weight and height. A simple division of the weight by the square of one’s height grades into Normal, when between 18 and 24, Overweight when between 24 and 30 and Obese when greater than 30. It quickly tells you what the ideal weight should be for someone of your height and is an accurate predictor of complications of heart-related problems.

ü  Blood Sugar – Best done following an overnight fast, the blood sugar gives you an idea of how well your body handles sugar. Sugar is the most ubiquitous energy source for the human body and it fuels daily activities, including money making. Yes! It is therefore essential that it is regulated within a range of normal that is not too low – hypoglycaemia or too high as found in diabetes. Diabetes is a debilitating illness that affects virtually every aspect of daily living if not properly managed and it is a chief root cause of heart attacks and strokes. Again, there are simple-to-use DIY glucometers available over the counter in pharmacy shops. A normal fasting reading should range between 70 to 100g/dl.

ü  Cholesterol – This is perhaps the most technical of all the numbers given that there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ types of cholesterol. Essentially, a total cholesterol should suffice in picking out individuals at risk of heart-related issues. By slowing coalescing on the walls of blood vessels, cholesterol narrows the arteries and increases the resistance to blood flow from the heart. Remember hypertension? So the heart is in a gym basically, building its muscles till it has ‘six packs’. Unfortunately, it outgrows its own blood supply and can suddenly shut down if this lack of blood and oxygen persists. There are a number of decent laboratories in Lagos that offer the service and should be done routinely to ensure you are always on top of things.

Beyond the numbers, people who aspire for great professional and business success must inculcate certain habits that promote good health. Chief on this list would be exercise. Yes, exercise. That seemingly gruelling activity that often leaves you like you are auditioning for Emzor Paracetamol advert on TV. It is recommended that every individual partakes in a 30-minute exercise at least thrice a week. In a city like Lagos, this can be quite daunting which is why one must actively make time to exercise. The benefits accruable to virtually every organ of the human body are immense and cannot be overstated. The American College of Sports Medicine posits that exercise has significant bearing on all the aforementioned numbers – blood pressure, blood sugar, BMI and cholesterol. There are also documented research findings that support the assertion that exercise confers longevity to a certain extent. Simple and pragmatic solutions to packed schedules that do not permit exercises in Lagos include walking rather than driving, using the stairs rather than elevators, walking long distances to grab lunch during breaks and consciously parking far off to allow some walking time. In 2014, Business Insider listed regular exercises as one of the key habits most global CEOs had in common. Want to get to the top? Get up and get going!

In addition to knowing numbers and exercising regularly, young people must take particular care of their bodies. Your body must be managed and handled deftly like a business venture, giving it the right input at every point in time to get optimal function and results. Eating right is as essential as avoiding alcohol and tobacco. Adequate rest is just as essential as exercise. It is advisable to develop a well- structured regimen that incorporates all these elements to keep the body and mind in top form. That is where Earth-shattering ideas emanate from, from well-drilled anatomies and razor-sharp mentalities. So plan a daily routine that allows you take utmost care of your body and mind and watch your productivity soar like never before.

Nigeria’s most critical economic drivers are in the age range ravaged currently by the scourge of Sudden Death and its underlying causes. Besides the gargantuan costs lost to provision of health care for these morbidities, the Nigerian state loses taxable man hours – hours that could have been put to good use contributing to the nation’s GDP – to largely preventable ailments. The onus then lies on the most affected and most susceptible constituency to actively take responsibility for their health by simply stepping up.

We owe it to our fallen friends and colleagues. We owe it to Nigeria.





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